Modifying / Deleting / Cancelling a Pending Invoice / Debit Note

If your Customer has placed an Order for a Product/Service and he wants to Cancel the Order, then you would have to Cancel the Invoice associated with the Order. Also, if any modification in the Invoice such as changing the duration of Service is required, then you would have to Cancel the Invoice and place a fresh Order for the Service. Similarly, if you want to modify the details of a Debit Note, you would have to Cancel the existing one and then choose to raise a fresh Debit Note with the modified details. Please be aware that you can Cancel only Pending Invoices and Debit Notes.

Follow the procedure mentioned below to Cancel Pending Invoice and Debit Note:

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. 1

  2. In the menu, point to Customers / Sub-Resellers -> Billing and click Pending Payments.

  3. You would see a list of pending Invoices & Debit Notes for all your Customers / Sub Resellers.

    There are two types of Invoices which can be Cancelled:

    • Action and Payment Pending - Such Invoices are yet to be paid/balanced and also have an action/request associated with them. Cancellation of such an Invoice will also Cancel the action/request associated with it. Hence, the Order associated with the Invoice will also get Cancelled.

    • Payment Pending - Such Invoices may be partially or fully unpaid. Cancellation of such an Invoice will only Cancel the Invoice. The Order associated with the Invoice would not be affected since it is already executed.

  4. Cancelling a Pending Debit Note: Select the Debit Note and click the Cancel button. On the next page, you can verify the details of the Debit Note you are Canceling and confirm your action.


    If you have not received full payment towards a Debit Note, then you may also cancel the pending amount as Bad Debts. This can be accomplished by selecting the said Debit Note and clicking the Cancel as Bad Debt button and confirming the action. This option is also available by clicking the Debit Note. A Credit Note with a suitable description would be raised automatically and settled against the Pending Debit Note.

    Cancelling a Pending Invoice: There are several circumstances in which you would want to Cancel an Invoice. Let's discuss a few...

    • You may wish to give a partial or full discount to your Customer or Sub-Reseller against a Pending invoice, then you may add a Discount to that effect.

      Additional Information


      A Discount can be applied by clicking the Pending Invoice and then clicking the Discount button. Here you would be informed about the maximum discount that can be applied to this Pending Invoice (in the Discountable Amount field). Depending upon this amount, you may either fully or partially add a Discount to this Invoice. A Credit Note with a suitable description would be raised when you confirm your action and settled against the Pending Invoice.

    • You may not have received payment towards a Pending Invoice for some time using the system's Payment Collection feature and would now like to cancel it as Bad Debts.

      You need to select the Pending Invoice that you would like to write off as Bad Debts and click the Cancel as Bad Debt button. On the next page, you can verify the details of the Invoice you are Canceling and confirm your action. A Credit Note with a suitable description would be raised and settled against the Pending Invoice.